80’s Summer Fashion Trends


The 80’s was a time of bold fashion statements, vibrant colors, and it was a time when everyone was feeling the heat. There was no makeup, no rules, and people were looking to the stars for guidance in what they were wearing. In fact, if you weren’t a star or a model, you were almost out of luck as far as fashion trends went during this era. This article will introduce you to some of the most famous fashion trends of the decade, whether they were the most popular or not.

The Gothic look is back with a vengeance, and there are many ways to get in on the feel of it. From skull t-shirts, black leather boots, and dark, Gothic clothing, you’re sure to be a hit this year. For those who are more restrained but still want to add that Gothic flair to their fashion wardrobe, the Gothic look requires you to have long hair and makeup that are dark and Gothic. If you’re shy about showing off your body, you can pull off the look with layers and baggy clothes.

Speaking of clothing, one of the most popular fashion trends of the decade was the hair shag. With the hair shag, you can go from having long hair to short hair, and from straight hair to natural wavy hair in about two minutes. The best part is, it looks great on just about every person, and you can do it without spending tons of money or putting in too many hours at the salon. You can go from dull, lifeless hair to a head turner in just an hour or two!
